Matro Ltd. Zoltan Kleisz Hungary, 7631 Pecs
- Offer & Request Offering products, services and free capacities
Gépszer Ltd. Bernadett Blaskó Hungary, H-7622 Pécs
- Offer Offering our product and services, offering free capacities
Profi Metal Ltd. Janos Ozsvart Hungary, H7630 Pecs
- Offer & Request Offering products, services and free capacities
Metallux Plc. Janos Toth Hungary, H-8840 Csurgo
- Offer & Request Offering products, services and free capacities
Tegavill LTD . Mihály Áman Hungary, Komló
- Offer Offering our product and services, offering free capacities
Szabó Gear Manufacturing Ltd. Krisztián Szabó Hungary, Kaposvár
- Offer Offering our product and services, offering free capacities
Strauss-Metal Ltd. Attila Gyuricza Hungary, Pécs
- Offer Offering our product and services, offering free capacities
Ecotech Nonprofit Plc. Ottó Szabados Hungary, H-2400 Dunaújváros
- Offer Offering our product and services, offering free capacities
Büttner and Co. Ltd. Péter Kocsis Hungary, H-7500 Nagyatád
- Offer Offering our product and services, offering free capacities
Seres Mechanical Engineering and TradING Ltd. Gábor Szalai Hungary, Pécs
- Offer Offering our product and services, offering free capacities
Sampo Food Industry Engineering ltd. Jozsef Krutki Hungary, Kővágószőlős
- Offer Offering our product and services, offering free capacities
Aquacut Ltd. Zoltán Kern Hungary, H-7754 Bóly
- Offer Offering our product and services, offering free capacities
PBKIK Szabolcs Rabb Hungary, Pécs
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Pécs-Baranya, Enterprise Europe Network Anita Hendinger Hungary, Pécs
- Offer Consultancy
Bilateral Talks
- Participants121
- Meetings Requested291
- Meetings Accepted157
Profile views
- Before Event16820
- After Event325027