WaterScope International Inc. Zoltan Varecza Hungary, Nagykozar
- Offer & Request Business partner
Slovenian-Hungarian Section of MKIK Renáta Verger Hungary, Zalaegerszeg
Director of Simonyi BEDC /UoP/ Zsolt Dr. Bedő Hungary, 7622 Pécs
Elythe Institut de Formation Frédéric Regis France, Aix en Provance
Siemens cPLC. Dale A. Martin Hungary, 1143 Budapest
South West Hungarian Engineering Cluster István Dr. Hüse Hungary, 7625 Pécs
Hungarian Embassy in Croatia (Zagreb) Károly Róbert Scherczer Croatia, 10000 Zagreb
Slovak Investment and Trade Development Agency Simona Novosadová Slovakia, Bratislava, 821 01
LP Elektronik Kft. Mónika Jáger Hungary, 1149 Budapest
- Offer Design, Manufacturing and Assembly of Printed Circuit Boards
DBH Group Gergő Darányi Hungary, Budapest
- Offer International markets, business development
KÖMI Ltd János Somogyvári Hungary, Budapest
- Offer & Request engineering
CCI of Pécs-Baranya Tamás Dr. Síkfői Hungary, 7625 Pécs
Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology University of Pécs Bálint Prof. Dr. Bachmann Hungary, 7624 Pécs
UoP Szentágothai János Research Centre Gábor Prof. Dr. Kovács L. Hungary, 7624 Pécs
Member of Parliament Office Péter Csizi Hungary, 7624 Pécs
Ministry of National Economy Balázs Dr. Rákossy Hungary, 1051 Budapest
Industrie Automation Graz, Ing. W. Häusler GmbH Andras Kajati Austria,
- Offer Innovative Measurement and Data Logging Solutions
ROB - Robotic Observer, Aximit Pro Ltd. Krisztián Wolf Hungary, Budapest
- Idea Critical ifrastructure defence
- Offer & Request ReSoNo - smart citiy easy and cheap non-stop source selective noise monitoring and mapping
Haris Engineering Peter Perecz Hungary, Zalaszentgrot
- Offer Mobile apps for efficiency improvement
Bilateral Talks
- Participants121
- Meetings Requested291
- Meetings Accepted157
Profile views
- Before Event16820
- After Event325033