Bilateral Meetings
- 14:00p.m. – 17:00p.m
Milling, turning and grinding with high precision CNC technology in micro-, middle- and big size.
Machine industry (engineering, metal processing etc.)
Supplier Industry (plastic, automotive, electronics)
Offering our product and services, offering free capacities
– Drilled and non-drilled tool plates in standard size and non-standard customized tool plates, from cutting alloy, nonalloy steel and aluminium
– Mould bases, die stamping bases, die casting basis
– Die stamping tools, die casting tools
– Guiding elements, insulation plates
– Tools and machinery elements
– Special high precise elements from hardmetal
– Tool components (locating pins, precision foils, ejector pins, die springs, cooling items, sprue bushings screws, cam
– Renewing and repairing of die stamping tools, moulds and die casting tools
– Cutting, milling, turning, grinding & deep hole boring by customer’s demand
– Measuring by customer’s demand
- Technical co-operation
- Manufacturing agreement
- Sales / Distribution