Hungarian-Croatian Section of Chamber of Commerce and Industry Mihály Liszácz Hungary, Pécs
Aviation Valley Adrian Huta Hungary, 35-959 Rzeszów
Rzeszow University of Technology Paweł Rokicki Poland, Rzeszow
Apivest Cooperativa Agricola Alexandru Nan Romania, Timisoara
Food from paradise Claudio Guido Romania, Timisoara, Mosnita Noua
- Offer Dried Fruits
Národní strojírenský klastr, z.s. Ladislav Mravec Czech Republic, Ostrava
Transylvanian Mechanical Engineering Cluster Kinga Kristó Romania, Sfantu Gheorghe
- Offer Mechanical engineering services & manufacturing
- Offer & Request Projects Partnership
Hungarian National Trading House- József Héra Hungary, Lendva
Transcarpathian CCI Otto Kovchar Ukraine, Uzhgorod
Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry László Bódi Hungary, Budapest
IKOSZ Gál Körmendy Hungary, Szombathely
Mukachevo DISTRICT Union of Consumer Societies Ivan Rubish Ukraine, Mukachevo
Interpreter Tolmács Szinkron I. Hungary, 7621Pécs
National Institute of R&D for Optoelectronics, CENTI Mircea Stefan Chintoanu Romania, Cluj-Napoca
Hungarian-Ukrainian CCI György Dr. Kota Hungary, 4400 Nyíregyháza
Hauni Hungária Ltd. Erika Salamon Maráczi Hungary, 7632 Pécs
Hauni Hungária Ltd. Ildikó Jakabucz Hungary, 7632 Pécs
MNKH Hungarian National Trading House Agnes Rendas Hungary, Budapest
Camellia Tour Valeriy Sevchenko Ukraine, Uzhgorod
CBH SG FACILITY SRL Sorin Hoara Romania, Arad
- Offer Seeking clients for sorting & rework services in automotive
Bilateral Talks
- Participants121
- Meetings Requested291
- Meetings Accepted157
Profile views
- Before Event16820
- After Event325129