
Mihály Áman

Executive Director
Tegavill LTD .

Bilateral Meetings

  • 14:00p.m. – 17:00p.m

TeGaVill Ltd. designs, and produces complete technology, for grain processing, animal feed, milling, and renewable energy industry. We provide complete solutions from small farms up to large-scale farms. Based on the customer requirements we can supply turn-key projects, machines, and specialized machines.

Organization Type Company
Organization Size1-10
Phone+36 72 582020
CityKomló, 7300, Altáró u. 18. Google map
Areas of Activities

Machine industry (engineering, metal processing etc.)

    Supplier Industry (plastic, automotive, electronics)


      Offering our product and services, offering free capacities

      Products, Services:
      The design, development and manufacture of auxiliary equipments and technological elements required for complete technology in relation to transportation-, cleaning-, mixing-, barge loading, storage-, etc. machines . Sheet metal working/ CNC . Elaboration of decision-preparing plans, documentations, licensing and implementation plans, tender consulting and compiling of applications and project management.

      Cooperation Offered
      1. Technical co-operation
      2. Manufacturing agreement
      3. Sales / Distribution