Knipl Ltd. Máté Bobály Hungary, H-7150 Bonyhád
- Offer Offering our product and services, offering free capacities
KÖMI Ltd János Somogyvári Hungary, Budapest
- Offer & Request engineering
KONsys International Cecilia Hall Hungary, Gyor
- Offer & Request Energy Management Solution for Industry, Building Complexes, Smart Cities
KONTAKT-Elektro Kft. Markus Hirth Hungary, Pécs
- Offer Industrial automation services
LP Elektronik Kft. Mónika Jáger Hungary, 1149 Budapest
- Offer Design, Manufacturing and Assembly of Printed Circuit Boards
Matro Ltd. Zoltan Kleisz Hungary, 7631 Pecs
- Offer & Request Offering products, services and free capacities
MAXA-Alutechnika Kft. László Dr. Csörnyei Hungary, 7694 Hosszúhetény
- Offer Perfect open air venue for your business talks
Member of Parliament Office Péter Csizi Hungary, 7624 Pécs
Metallo-Bolt Kft Csaba Szalai Hungary, Kaposszekcső
- Offer fasteners
Metallux Plc. Janos Toth Hungary, H-8840 Csurgo
- Offer & Request Offering products, services and free capacities
Mihajlo Pupin Institute, Association of Business Women; Sanja Popovic Pantic Serbia, Belgrade
- Idea Searching for the the partner in the EU funded projects
Milestone Management Kft. Neal Weightman Hungary, Várpalota
- Request Subcontract work
- Offer Manufacturing services
MineLight Ltd Etelka Dr. Pjeczka Hungary, Budapest
- Idea PatBase the patent information resource
Ministry of National Economy Balázs Dr. Rákossy Hungary, 1051 Budapest
Mirrotron Ltd. Gábor Süle Hungary, Budapest
- Offer & Request neutron optic devices
MNKH Dunajská Streda Károly Bödők Slovakia, Dunajská Streda
MNKH Hungarian National Trading House Agnes Rendas Hungary, Budapest
MNKH Štúrovo Zoltán Környi Slovakia,
Mukachevo DISTRICT Union of Consumer Societies Ivan Rubish Ukraine, Mukachevo
Národní strojírenský klastr, z.s. Ladislav Mravec Czech Republic, Ostrava
Bilateral Talks
- Participants121
- Meetings Requested291
- Meetings Accepted157
Profile views
- Before Event16820
- After Event325001