Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry László Bódi Hungary, Budapest
Hungarian Embassy in Croatia (Zagreb) Károly Róbert Scherczer Croatia, 10000 Zagreb
Hungarian National Trading House - Enterprise Europe Network Agnes Puskas Hungary, Budapest
Hungarian National Trading House - Enterprise Europe Network Matyas Kepe Hungary, Budapest
Hungarian National Trading House- József Héra Hungary, Lendva
Hungarian National Trading House-Osijek office Hajnalka Palizs Tóth Croatia, Osijek
Hungarian-Croatian Section of Chamber of Commerce and Industry Mihály Liszácz Hungary, Pécs
Hungarian-Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Industry László Kovács Hungary, 6722 Szeged
Hungarian-Ukrainian CCI György Dr. Kota Hungary, 4400 Nyíregyháza
IKOSZ Gál Körmendy Hungary, Szombathely
Industrie Automation Graz, Ing. W. Häusler GmbH Andras Kajati Austria,
- Offer Innovative Measurement and Data Logging Solutions
Information Management Innovation Cluster Ferenc Brachmann Hungary, Pécs
- Offer Scale your business with the best technologies!
ININ Informaticki Inzenjering d.o.o. Igor Majdandzic Croatia, Slavonski Brod
- Request Representation, customization and sales of software products
- Request Cooperation on large IT and R&D projects
- Offer Quality Assurance Software
- Offer ERP for manufacturing companies
- Offer Warehouse Management Software
- Offer Custom software development
Institute Mihajlo Pupin Dusica Semencenko Serbia,
Interpreter Tolmács Szinkron I. Hungary, 7621Pécs
JUNG Hebe- und Transporttechnik GmbH Thomas Würthele Germany, Waiblingen
- Request supplier
Kaposvári Villamossági Gyár Kft. Richárd Farkas Hungary, Kaposvár
- Offer Offering low-voltage and medium-voltage electrical appliances and equipments
Kerko Média Ltd. János Keresnyei Hungary, Pécs
- Offer Explanatory videos for scientific and innovative projects
Klaster poljomehanizacije (Agricultural Equipment Cluster) Željko Erkapić Croatia,
- Offer & Request production cooperation, selling our machinery
KlímatrióPlussz Ltd. Gábor Reitz Hungary, H-7622 Pécs
- Offer Offering our product and services, offering free capacities
Bilateral Talks
- Participants121
- Meetings Requested291
- Meetings Accepted157
Profile views
- Before Event16820
- After Event325023