Bilateral Meetings
- 14:00p.m. – 17:00p.m
DescriptionThe main profile of Mirrotron is custom designed neutron optical devices and instrument supply for research institutes all around the world. We provide a full range of devices to insert into a neutron experiment beam line or turn-key instruments, and an excelent service deriving from our commitment to customer-centered view and to quality.
Organization Type
Organization Size26-50
Founding Year1991
Email suleg@mirrotron.hu
CityBudapest, Konkoly-Thege 29-33. Google map
Areas of Activities
Machine industry (engineering, metal processing etc.)
Research and Development, Project Partnership
neutron optic devices
precision glass edge cutting
metrology system
glass surface superpolishing
equipment construction
Cooperation Offered
- Outsourcing co-operation
- Technical co-operation
- Manufacturing agreement
Cooperation Requested
- Outsourcing co-operation
- Technical co-operation
- Manufacturing agreement