Bilateral Meetings
- 14:00p.m. – 17:00p.m

DescriptionTransylvanian Mechanical Engineering Cluster was founded in 2015 and at the moment has 26 members consisting of 12 romanian manufacturing companies, 3 non-governamental organizations, 5 public institutions, 1 R&D center, 3 professional schools and 2 chambers of commerce & industry.
TME Cluster main aim in 2016 is to promote among SME’s the concept, purpose and advantages of joining a cluster in this region.
Organization Type
Organization Size1-10
Founding Year2015
Email tmecluster@gmail.com
CitySfantu Gheorghe, str. Presei, nr.4 Google map
Areas of Activities
Machine industry (engineering, metal processing etc.)
Mechanical engineering services & manufacturing
Manufacturing industrial components of any sizes and complexity, engineering services (technical consultancy, 3D modelling, maintenance).
Cooperation Offered
- Manufacturing agreement
Cooperation Requested
- Manufacturing agreement
Projects Partnership
We would like to participate in trans-sector projects as a partner. Our main objective is to help other clusters implementing technical innovations.
Cooperation Offered
- Other
Cooperation Requested
- Other