
Paweł Rokicki

Assistant Professor
Rzeszow University of Technology

Bilateral Meetings

  • 14:00p.m. – 17:00p.m
DescriptionIgnacy Łukasiewicz Rzeszow University of Technology is a state-funded academic university that makes up a part of the Polish national education and science system. Rzeszow University of Technology offers its students a wide variety of programs and courses. It also undertakes research and scientific projects in the following specialised fields of the applied sciences: engineering, mathematics, physics, economics, as well as the chemical and biological sciences.
Organization Type University,
Organization Size250+
Founding Year1951
CityRzeszow, W. Pola 2, C204 Google map
Areas of Activities

Machine industry (engineering, metal processing etc.)

    Supplier Industry (plastic, automotive, electronics)

      Environmental Industry

        Agrofood Industry

          ICT Industry

            Research and Development, Project Partnership