Željko Erkapić
Klaster poljomehanizacije (Agricultural Equipment Cluster)
Bilateral Meetings
- 14:00p.m. – 17:00p.m

DescriptionStructuring and organizing of Agricultural Equipment Cluster began in late 2006 under the operational leadership of the Croatian Employers Association, the National Center for Clusters (NCC). By July 2009 the Cluster operates and develops under the name of Croatian Agricultural Equipment Cluster (CAEC) within the Croatian Employers' Association National Center for Clusters (CEA NCC). After 14 July, when it was registered at the Commercial Court in Osijek, Cluster continues operations under a new name as Agricultural Equipment Cluster Ltd. (AEC). It is necessary to emphasize that at this point Agricultural Equipment Cluster is organized as the industrial cluster that brings together the most prominent manufacturers of agricultural machinery in Croatia. The Cluster by its nature represents the interests of its current members and aims to expand its membership base to better exploit their working potential and to increase their market visibility and therefore increase their market share. The objective is to enhance potential for innovation, rationalization and specialization of all productive resources by networking and internationalization of business, as the essential prerequisite for increased competitiveness in general stimulating economic growth. Therefore, within the methodology of Agricultural Equipment Cluster construction is strengthening cohesion forces between the cluster members, creating a necessary specialization and rationalization of production and its resources based on complementarities and comparative advantages and raising the quality by learning, adopting and developing new technologies.
Organization Type
Organization Size1-10
Founding Year2009
Areas of Activities
Machine industry (engineering, metal processing etc.)
production cooperation, selling our machinery
Production cooperation, selling our machinery
Partnership in cross-border, H2020, COSME projects
Access to end-users (SME's)