Bilateral Meetings
- 14:00p.m. – 17:00p.m
DescriptionBusiness association that brings together 135 members (107 SMEs and 28). It is organized in four sectors/centers: 1)Business support center; 2) Center for Innovations and technology transfer; 3) Center for Project Development, and 4) Education Center.
The most important products and services of VMC's members are in the following areas: all kinds of metal processing, metal constructions and metal parts, process industry, systems for water supply, agricultural machinery, special-purpose industrial machines, casting, forging and pressing, etc.
Organization Type
Organization Size1-10
Founding Year2011
Phone+381 21 844 923
Email mjovicic@vmc.rs
CityTemerin, Novosadska 322 Google map
Areas of Activities
Machine industry (engineering, metal processing etc.)
Supplier Industry (plastic, automotive, electronics)
Environmental Industry
Research and Development, Project Partnership
Partnership in cross-border, H2020, COSME projects
We are looking for/offering cooperation on common developing projects that are applicable in the industry
Cooperation Offered
- Other
Cooperation Requested
- Other
Access to end-users (SMEs)
We are offering access to large number of SMEs primarily in the industry sector that can be potential end-users
Cooperation Offered
- Other
Cooperation Requested
- Other