Biljana Avramovic
Cluster general manager
25 mil
Bilateral Meetings
- 14:00p.m. – 17:00p.m

DescriptionThese are our activities and our achievements for the past 10 years of our existence, especially oriented to R&D and innovation. During this 10 years, a profile of our cluster has been changed, which is normal, having in mind the economic moment in our country and challenges that it takes. After, so-called, “economic” phase of our cluster, we have attract 6 Faculties to join the cluster, the University and two R&D centers and turn the main stream of the cluster into an innovation, R&D, and education. The goal was to prepare companies from our construction sector for EU market through training and education and make them more competitive.
For that purpose we have established Educational-research-information center (ERIC) that have soon become a trade mark of our cluster, responsible for all international contacts and projects. We become recognized at national level with our first award for best innovation of the year in water monitoring;
Next year brings us another award for first on line Roma-Serbian dictionary.
Our next innovation was first pilot informative display based on LED technolgy with original software. In our following projects we often implement use of ICT in construction sector, especially in project management.
After that we have oriented to energy efficiency and renewable energy sources and built first solar PV plant in Serbia and heating systems based on renewable energy sources focusing on zero energy consumption.
At the international level we have participated in 2 FP7 projects, first, STOREPET concerning new smart ecological PC construction materials, and second OPENHOUSE new European method for building quality assessment.
With partners from Italy we have accomplished Inops-Gifip project about idea of cluster development, Adriatic Danubian Clustering (ADC) in sector of modern housing, ACQUIS 3 – establishment of an economic collaboration between Balkan local municipalities and region Friulia Venezia Giulia.
With partners from Germany we have accomplished project of Advance River Water Quality Monitoring and a few workshops and seminars.
With University from Austen, Texas, USA, we have accomplished a joint workshop about Risk assessment.
With partners from Slovakia we have developed new innovative, ecological and energy efficient insulation material.
With partners from Norway we have developed new smart LED street lighting with remote control.
Organization Type
Organization Size1-10
Founding Year2008
CityNis, Rajiceva 30A Google map
Areas of Activities