Marica Jug
Bilateral Meetings
- 14:00p.m. – 17:00p.m
The company produces, processes and sells organic fruit and vegetables. All fruit and vegetables are grown according to biological „EU organic“ and „HR-EKO-01“ standards without the use of forbidden and maleficent pesticides and fertilizers. Aside from growing biological fruit and vegetables, the company also processes its fresh products into 100% juices, fruit spreads and vinegar.
Agrofood Industry
Organic fruit and vegetables
Biologically grown organic apples, pears, plums, apricots, cherries, red beets and carrots. All fruit and vegetables are grown according to biological „EU organic“ and „HR-EKO-01“ standards without the use of forbidden and maleficent pesticides and fertilizers.
- Manufacturing agreement
- Sales / Distribution

Fresh juices
100% juice is a result of cold pressing fresh fruit and vegetables in compliance with the „EU organic“ and „HR-EKO-01“ standards, without the addition of sweeteners or preservatives. The company offers different mixes of juices such as organic apple juice, blackberry juice, red beet&apple juice, cherry juice, elder flower&apple juice, apple&pear juice, and tangerine juice. It is also possible to make special juices from a specific mix of fruit or fruit and vegetable. The advantage of using cold pressed technology is that there are no chemical changes caused by heating. All products are processed in a strictly controlled environment without the addition of sugar, water or other substances. The juices are available in different bottle sizes: 0,2L, 1L, 3L or 5L where juices from 0,2L to 1L are filled in glass botles, and juices from 3L and 5L in bag-in-box packaging. Innovative filling system and bag in box packaging extend the shelf life of the juice, even though no preservatives are added.
- Manufacturing agreement
- Sales / Distribution

Fruit spreads
All spreads are made from 100% biologically grown organic fruit in compliance with the „EU organic“ and „HR-EKO-01“ standards, with the minimal addition of brown biological sugar and without preservatives. The company offers blackberry spread, apricot spread, plum spread, cherry spread and elder fruit&apple spread. It is also possible to make special spreads from a required mix of fruit. All spreads come in a 314 g packaging.
- Manufacturing agreement
- Sales / Distribution

Apple Vinegar
Apple Vinegar made from 100% biologically grown organic apples, in compliance with the "EU organic" and "HR-EKO-01" standards. Vinegar is filled in 0,25L and 1L packages.
- Manufacturing agreement
- Sales / Distribution
Pressing and filling services
The company offers pressing and filling services to other fruit and vegetable producers and to all those who want to drink 100% fresh and natural juices.
1L glass, 3L and 5L bag in box are available. Minimum of 100 kg of raw material is required.
- Technical co-operation

Juice Cooler
The Cooler is a juice refrigerator for juice bags (bag in box type). It is especially suitable for the catering trade, hotels etc. The Cooler can hold 4 bags of 3L or 5L. Matching paper cups are offered as well. The Cooler is rented exclusively to contracted distributors.
- License agreement
Organic apricots
The company is looking for suppliers of organic apricots in compliance with the „EU organic standard“ for further processing. It can be fresh apricots or in a form of intermediate goods (strained and pasteurized apricot pulp and puree). Minimum of 1000kg of fresh apricots is required.
- Sales / Distribution
- Manufacturing agreement