Judit Bedőné Károly
Bilateral Meetings
- 14:00p.m. – 17:00p.m

Blue Economy Innovation Cluster operates in the South Transdanubian region of Hungary and was established to combine the different competencies of the local SMEs into an integrated, primarily energetically-, and resource-oriented service. This service integrates every potential field from the customer problem definition, the attitude analysis, the implementation, the financial supporting, till the subsequent quality control. Therefore it includes all the essential elements to be able to provide the full range of services in resource or energy optimization. The management organization of the Clustre, namely ECOsynergy Ltd provides project development and management services on national and international level as well. Competencies of Internal Members: • Interior- and exterior design of public- industrial- catering- and residential buildings and public spaces. • Construction o high- and low architecture, o road construction, paving, o construction of public utilities, o construction of water-supply systems and aqueducts, o construction of hydrocarbon transporters, gas-distributors and gas-mains, o construction and installation of sewage drainage and structures, o construction of sewage pipes, drainage ditches, and precipitation ducts. • Energy-procurement procedures • Energetics measurement and audit • Energy-optimization and management • Complex design and implementation of energetics rationalization • Evolving of complex financing solutions o project financing: food economy, energetics, environmental management o small projects, ROI studies, real estate funding, pharmacy funding, etc. • Preparation of construction, environmental, and water rights permission plans; preparation of implementation plans and implementation-level tender plans; • Preparation of environmental impact assessments and NATURA 2000 impact estimations; • Composition of environmental pretest and revision documentations; • Environmental improvement planning; • Transaction of unified environmental performance permission procedures; • Mining and handling of inert waste; • Electrical design and implementation: preparing the electrical design of residential- and public buildings, preparing the electrical design of industrial buildings, space-, district- and decorative lighting, external and internal lightning protection systems, electrical weak current (structured network, fire alarm, security technology, amplification) systems, designing, implementation and operation of low- and medium voltage networks E.ON Inc. authorized designer, executing contractor, operator of public lighting. Complex services offered: • Conducting complex audit and examination in the field of energy-efficiency: o Modelling the economy-, and estimating the social impacts of ordinary and renewable energy-based systems; o Modelling and estimating the economy and return on investment in alternative energy resources; o Economic efficiency-analysis, modelling and estimating of energy consumers; o Economic efficiency-analysis, modelling and estimating in the field of building-energetics. • Complete technical design, expertise, and construction: o Low- and medium voltage networks; o Low- and medium voltage underground cable networks; o Transformer station, medium voltage switchgears; o Energy supply systems; o Electricity supply and control of building engineering (HVAC) and technological installations; o Electrical network of residential and community buildings; o Electrical network of industrial buildings; o Space-, district- and decorative lighting networks; o External and internal lightning protection installations and systems; o Electrical weak current (structured network, fire alarm, security technology, amplification) systems; o Complex retrofitting of blocks of flats.
Environmental Industry
Cooperation in "smart" projects
Our cluster has already participated in a H2020 Lighthouse project, in which we have prepared a project proposal for the City of Pécs. The concept included the energy refubishment of residental houses and the introduction of smart transport items, all supported by a comprehensive ICT background.
We offer our services - including proposal writing, management, partner search, etc. - to those municipalities and other stakeholders who are planning to go for the next round of the call H2020 Lighthouse Cities and Communities or other smart projects.
We are also open to cooperate and to participate in joint international projects with clusters of similar profile.
Looking forward to working with you!
- Outsourcing co-operation
- Technical co-operation