
Bernadett Blaskó

commercial director
Gépszer Ltd.

Bilateral Meetings

  • 14:00p.m. – 17:00p.m

The Company’s main activity is the manufacture, installation and maintenance of complete technological, engineering systems and components. Gépszer Ltd. has got a decade long, comprehensive experience and practice in the technological assembly industry. Having worked in almost all large industrial plants within Hungary we could demonstrate the high quality and reliability of products and services to the satisfaction of our partners. Our company’s profie includes high-pressure (3000 bar) water services, for cleaning technological systems, diffrent surfaces , and also, for demolition and cutting purposes.

Organization Type Company
Organization Size1-10
CityH-7622 Pécs, Liszt Ferenc u. 8. Google map
Areas of Activities

Machine industry (engineering, metal processing etc.)

    Supplier Industry (plastic, automotive, electronics)


      Offering our product and services, offering free capacities

      Products, Services:
      – Manufacture, installation and maintenance of complete technological systems
      – Manufacture and maintenance of heat exchangers, pressure vessels, tanks, steam generators
      – Manufacture of steel structures and platforms
      – Piping, construction and maintenance of pipelines
      – Armature replacement and maintenance
      – Qualifid welding
      – Heat treatment
      – Surface cleaning with high pressure water (up to 3000 bar) (e.g. for technological system, buildings, pipes, heat exchangers, tanks)
      – Cutting and demolition with high pressure water (up to 3000 bar) technology applications
      – Distribution and servicing of high pressure water equipment (Hungarian distributor of Hammelmann GmbH)

      Cooperation Offered
      1. Technical co-operation
      2. Manufacturing agreement
      3. Sales / Distribution