Mihaela Sas
Head of RM Department
Agentia pentru Dezvoltare Regionala Sud-Vest Oltenia
Bilateral Meetings
- 14:00p.m. – 17:00p.m
DescriptionSouth West Regional Development Agency is a nonproft, nongovernmental entity of public utility
established on 28th of February 1999 by Law no.151/1998 updated by Law no. 315/2004 with the scope to
implement the regional development policy in Romania and according to the Decision of the South West
Oltenia Regional Development Council.
The mission of the Regional Development Agency is to facilitate and promote the development of the
South-West Oltenia region by implementing the development strategy indicated by the Regional
Development Council and regional partners and national development policy whose implementation is
decentralized at the level of regional structures.
Specifc aims of the South West Regional Development Agency include also the social and economic
infrastructure and environmental protection, encouraging local initiatives and atracting foreign investors.
The South West Regional Development Agency aims at implementing economic and social cohesion policies
in the region, to promote and implement development programs and provide the necessary services for
communites and investors in order to maximize economic and social benefits for the region.
In order to achieve its objectives, The South West Regional Development Agency performs the following
main activities:
Manages at regional level the implementation of two EU-funded programs POR and POSCCE;
Regional Programming: by developing the Regional Development Plan and contributing to the
development of the Regional Operational Programme, by developing the sector strategies and other
programming documents (e.g. Regional Action Plan for Education and the Regional Action Plan for
Regional Marketing and promotion of investments: Establishing of partnerships for the benefit of
regional development, project’s development where ADR S-V Oltenia is eligible benefciary leading to
socio - economical development of the region, atracting new investors in the region, providing
technical assistance services to the benefciaries and potential beneficiaries, developing brochures and
promotional materials, participating in trade missions for entrepreneurs, counseling potential investors,
Organization Type
Organization Size101-250
Founding Year1999
CityCraiova, 1, Aleea Teatrului Street Google map